Pike Grace Brethren Church

Service Packet Archive

January 2021 Worship Packets


Sunday Morning Worship Packet 1-24-2021 121.87 KB 19 downloads

Now is the time for trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and obedience to Him as King….

December Worship Packets


Sunday Morning Worship Packet 12-6-2020 121.92 KB 6 downloads

This week we continue with our focus on giving thanks to the Lord at all times. In…

November Worship Packets


Sunday Morning Worship Packet 11-29-2020 124.69 KB 9 downloads

Thanks for your patience in waiting for our packet this week. Although Thanksgiving…

Sunday Morning Worship Packet 11-1-2020 121.49 KB 7 downloads

I’m thankful for my Pike family the Lord has blessed me with and I’m thankful to…

October Worship Packets


Sunday Morning Worship Packet 10-25-2020 122.57 KB 9 downloads

With Halloween upon us and Covid News around us- the subject of death comes up a…

Sunday Morning Worship Packet 10-18-2020 124.80 KB 8 downloads

This week we continue with great truths that believers have to hold onto and not…

Sunday Morning Worship Packet 10-11-2020 4.00 KB 0 downloads

We all know that there is great trouble in this world (Jesus even said so!) but when…

Sunday Morning Worship Packet 10-4-2020 123.90 KB 9 downloads

I’m thankful to be able to share another passage of Scripture with you this week….

September Worship Packets


Sunday Morning Worship Packet 9-27-2020 121.76 KB 8 downloads

This week we finished out our study through the first 6 verses of 2 Cor. 4 by looking…

Sunday Morning Worship Packet 9-20-2020 123.09 KB 10 downloads

This week we continued unpacking the truth found in 2 Cor. 4. In 2 Thess. 2:10, Paul…

Sunday Morning Worship Packet 9-13-2020 142.56 KB 8 downloads

2 Cor. 4:1-6 is not only about salvation and the importance of seeing Christ but…

Sunday Morning Worship Packet 9-6-2020 121.31 KB 9 downloads

The Christian life is all about looking at Christ. We cannot say that we are saved…

August Worship Packets


Sunday Morning Worship Packet 8-23-2020 123.10 KB 8 downloads

This week we closed out 2 Corinthians 3 with encouraging truth about the ministry…

Sunday Morning Worship Packet 8-9-2020 128.68 KB 5 downloads

How are you when it comes to “Worry”? God has given us more than enough reasons not…

July Worship Packets


Sunday Morning Worship Packet 7-26-2020 128.54 KB 7 downloads

What was the Old Covenant (the Law) really meant to do? What was God’s purpose for…

Sunday Morning Worship Packet 7-19-2020 128.51 KB 7 downloads

This week we began to look into the miracle of the Old Covenant and the greater miracle…

Sunday Morning Worship Packet 7-12-2020 123.31 KB 8 downloads

This week we transitioned into chapter 3 in our study through 2 Corinthians. In this…

Sunday Morning Worship Packet 7-5-2020 147.32 KB 8 downloads

I’m thankful for the freedoms God has allowed us to enjoy and use in our country….

June Worship Packets


Sunday Morning Worship Packet 6-28-20 123.14 KB 7 downloads

I pray that this packet will serve you throughout the week as you strive to turn…

Sunday Morning Worship Packet 6-21-20 124.23 KB 8 downloads

This Sunday, as many of you know, we continued working through what forgiveness looked…

Sunday Morning Worship Packet 6-14-20 119.23 KB 8 downloads

Thanks for your patience as this worship packet was being put together. It was a…

Sunday Morning Worship Packet 6-7-20 129.45 KB 9 downloads

As many of you know we will be continuing to work through Phil. 2:5-8 this week….

May Worship Packets


Sunday Morning Worship Packet 5-31-20 164.72 KB 10 downloads

Thanks for your patience in receiving this. I pray that you are encouraged by the…

Sunday Morning Worship Packet 5-24-20 136.44 KB 13 downloads

I am grateful that I will see many of you soon and look forward to when I will see…

Sunday Morning Worship Packet 5-17-20 144.64 KB 23 downloads

I pray that you are doing well! I am thankful for you and that God has joined us…

Sunday Morning Worship Packet 5-10-20 146.33 KB 17 downloads

Happy Mother’s Day!! I am thankful that the Lord has provided for another worship…

Sunday Morning Worship Packet 5-3-20 194.85 KB 24 downloads

Another week and another opportunity for us to look into God’s Word! God is so good…

April Worship Packets


Sunday Morning Worship Packet 4-26-20 133.61 KB 34 downloads

Jesus commands in John 14:1, “Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God,…

Sunday Morning Worship Packet 4-19-20 135.76 KB 17 downloads

I have been really challenged by the Scripture and the truth presented in the service…

Sunday Morning Worship Packet 4-12-20 143.82 KB 27 downloads

Happy Easter!     I am thankful for the opportunity to bring another worship packet…

Sunday Morning Worship Packet 4-5-20 165.83 KB 30 downloads

I miss you all and look forward to the day that we will be together again! I pray…

March Worship Packets


Sunday Morning Worship Service Packet 3-29-20 140.05 KB 45 downloads

As we continue on through this time, here another resource to you in order to lead/guide…

Sunday Morning Worship Service Packet 3-22-20 137.89 KB 126 downloads

This is a resource to help and to lead/guide you through worship this Sunday morning….