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- Create Date July 27, 2020
- Last Updated July 27, 2020
Sunday Morning Worship Packet 7-26-2020
What was the Old Covenant (the Law) really meant to do? What was God's purpose for it? Paul answers these questions in 2 Cor. 3 and lays out for us why the Old Covenant pales in comparison to the New. It is because of Jesus! The Law shows us what we could never be or do while the Gospel is a proclamation of what God has done! He has met our great need (which the Law exposes) in Christ!
This was important for Paul to work through with the Corinthians because False Teachers in Corinth were trying to sell a "different gospel" which was not really gospel at all. False Teachers continue to do this today. There are times even we confuse what God's intention was for the Old Covenant and what the Gospel really is. This is why this portion of Scripture matters to our understanding today.
I pray that this Word strengthens and encourages you until we gather again.
Grace and Peace to you!
Pastor Rudy
Sermon Recording: https://youtu.be/Y9YYi03D8AA
P.S. On Sunday, August 9th we will be holding our service outdoors at "The Good Place" at 10am. I want to ask, if you have not come back to church yet or have been missing for a period of time (for whatever reason) would you prayerfully consider joining us on that Sunday? We will be in an outdoor setting with fresh air and you will be welcomed to spread out at whatever distance you would like. I know that this would serve as a great encouragement for me (and your church family) to see you again and have the opportunity to worship WITH you.