How are you when it comes to "Worry"? God has given us more than enough reasons not to worry and truth to trust in: Knowing who God is, who we are in Christ, and what we have in Him is enough to keep us from constantly giving into this sin so why do we? These are all truths that Jesus points to in His Sermon on the Mount in Matt. 6:25-34. In this passage Jesus uses living illustrations outdoors to remind us why, if we are His, we should not worry.
This Sunday, we had the tremendous experience of looking at these words of truth in the great outdoors. I'm so thankful for these reminders. I needed them this week! I'm grateful for the opportunity I had to share this truth with you and to be in a setting where I could see many of you again. I pray that the Lord uses His Word this week as an encouragement and help to you!
Grace and Peace to You!
Pastor Rudy
Sermon Recording: