On Sunday mornings, through the month of December, we looked at some of the specific reasons God has given in Scripture for why He sent the gift of His Son. One place we looked was Galatians 4:4-5, where Paul says, “But when the fulness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law, in order that He might redeem those who were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption as sons.” God sent forth His Son that He might purchase you out of darkness and slavery to sin in order to bring you to Himself, call you His own, and give you all that belongs to Him. That’s what it means to receive this adoption. In this new Family, our Father has determined to freely give us all things (Rom. 8:32). Whatever is His, you have access to as His son or daughter. He doesn’t withhold good gifts from His children. He is ready and willing to give when we ask (Matt. 7:11). Did you know that there are tremendous and extremely gracious benefits we have available to us in this adoption? So often we don’t take advantage of them because we don’t know or understand this position we have been given in Jesus.
One of the benefits I take advantage of when I go home to visit my family is raiding the pantry. As a son I’ve been given access to the snack cupboard, the cereal corner, and the fridge and I take full advantage of it. My mom is always prepared for this and usually stocks up on my favorites to enjoy when I get there. As her son I don’t need to hesitate or keep out- all I need to do is ask, “Do we have any snacks?” and then I can confidently walk in, open-up, and enjoy what is there. Charles Spurgeon said this of our adoption, “I wish believers would make free with the promises and blessings of their God. Help yourselves, for no good thing will the Lord withhold from you. All things are yours, you only need to use the hand of faith. Ask what you will. If you appropriate a promise it will not be pilfering, you may take it boldly and say, ‘This is mine.’ Your adoption brings with it large rights, be not slow to use them.”
Every promise, every gift, every blessing both for now and for eternity has been made yours in Jesus. As a son or daughter you’ve been given access! Open-up the pantry of His Word and grab hold of what is yours. Don’t doubt it. Don’t question whether or not God wants you to take part or enjoy. He’s given His Son to give you access and to make these promises and blessings yours! To receive this place though, you must receive Christ. You must be part of the Family but then as part of the Family, go after the benefits! In this New Year there is peace available to you, there is grace, there is strength, there is wisdom, there is help, there is comfort, there is guidance, there is all that you could ever need, and it is yours! Just ask!
Praising God For His Adoption, Pastor Rudy