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- Create Date July 20, 2020
- Last Updated July 20, 2020
Sunday Morning Worship Packet 7-19-2020
This week we began to look into the miracle of the Old Covenant and the greater miracle of the New. The Old Covenant exposed our great need for a Savior and through Jesus, the New Covenant accomplished what no other covenant could...salvation. The False Teachers in Corinth, presented a much different gospel than Paul which was a mixture of the Old Covenant and man-made rituals that did nothing for salvation. This set Paul's ministry apart because He proclaimed Christ. He pointed to the great truth that Jesus is enough! This also stirred Paul to make the Corinthians aware of what these False Teachers were trying to sell to them as Gospel.
I pray that this Word strengthens and encourages you until we gather again.
Grace and Peace to You!
Pastor Rudy
Sermon Recording: https://youtu.be/PV7JMjGp2EQ