The last few passages in Luke have been a continual reminder that there is nothing we can do to reach heaven on our own. Try as men might to gain eternal life, whether through works or his own goodness, it is just not possible. Sin has left us as a corpse and we are in desperate need for life (Eph. 2:1-9). If you remember the rich young ruler boasted in his goodness. He proclaimed the things he had done right. The sad truth is even though he had done some things right, he was still dead apart from Christ. He needed the saving work of God within His heart. When reflecting on this story I thought about a dead clock. It may show us the right time at one point in the day and again at night but that doesn’t change the fact that the clock is dead. It needs life again.
To boast about our works is to be like a dead clock. We were created to have life (John 10:10)! God makes that possible when we trust the goodness of Christ and follow Him! I wrote a poem in reflection of those like the rich young ruler and the Pharisees. I pictured those who boast in works standing before the Almighty Judge. This is the dialogue I heard between the two. I hope that it will encourage you and serve as a reminder of our deep need for Jesus!
By His Grace, Pastor Rudy
Even A Dead Clock Can Be “Right” Two Times A Day
He stands, condemned, in shock and dismay,
How could the Judge stand in his way?
“How could this be, I’ve done well today?!
Could you not see! There’s no more to say!”
Piling up rags, Boasting a good game
Talking and talking, feeling no shame
Justifying each deed, as much as he could
“You are mistaken! For I know I am good!”
“Just look at me now, if you have any doubts!
Check out my latest works and whereabouts.
I have done great things
for the sake of the Name,
I feel you sir, are the one to be shamed.”
Every excuse listed, every fact stated
Every work lifted, every story created
“What more could I do?
What proof do you need?
Do you now understand?
Have you been brought up to speed?”
I am not this kind that you claim me to be,
I am one that God has made, you see!
Nothing can change that, so I am free to go
So do not restrain me,
I have giv’n all that I owe!”
The trial does not last but a minute or two
The Judge simply states,
“I have a verdict for you.
It seems to me, there’s no need for a case
For those I love are in shame, needing grace
But you have so stated your goodness this day
For I will not bore you with how I did pay
Every thought, every word,
every deed ever done
I punished each severely
in the death of my son!
And through His Life, He vowed to make new
All vile creatures, but that could not be you
You’ve shown me so clearly,
and now please depart
I never knew you,
so states the condition of your heart
Even a dead clock can be “right”
two times a day
But my children are alive,
right in every singly way
They’ve trusted in Christ,
and made Him the Root
And I will know the righteous by this fruit.”